Now, when the crypto currency is so popular that it is said everywhere: on the Internet, on TV and in other media, new information sites and Youtube channels, various analytical resources and services are constantly appearing, the number of online crypto-exchange exchanges is growing by leaps and bounds. Even governments of different countries are constantly discussing the phenomenon of crypto-currencies and block-technologies, trying to legalize the crypto currency and bring it under the legislative framework, or vice versa, considering Bitcoin a direct threat to the established banking financial system. Today the issue of mining of crypto-currencies (mining) is discussed rather widely, as one of the most interesting topics for ordinary users. Many have probably heard that Bitcoin, as well as another crypto currency, can be extracted as such, but the technical subtleties and how to start doing the crypto currency mining, what this might require and how to do it all do not know. In this material, we will try to explain in as much detail and simple as possible how the average user starts to earn crypto currency from scratch, what kind of crypto currency and on what devices it is profitable to mine in 2018, how to collect a simple mining of the farm, what equipment is best suited for this at the moment, what programs Use for extraction, where to store and how to withdraw the extracted coins.