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Mining hardware

  • nvidia geforce ampere mining hashrateToday, September 1, 2020, Nvidia announced a new generation of graphics cards, codenamed Ampere. The most powerful RTX 3090 ($ 1499) and RTX 3080 ($ 699) graphics cards will go on sale first in mid-September 2020, followed by the RTX 3070 ($ 499) in October. This time, Nvidia delighted its fans. in terms of technical characteristics, the new generation of RTX video cards surpasses the previous one in all respects, and significantly, which cannot but please gamers and miners, especially since the prices have remained at the same level. Next, we will compare the announced Nvidia RTX 3000 graphics cards with the generation of GTX 1000 and RTX 2000 and try to make a forecast of the performance of video cards in cryptocurrency mining.

  • asic vs gpu energy effectiveThe history of the appearance of asic miners for bitcoin mining began in 2012, when the Butterfly labs company was the first to announce such devices with a hashrate from 5 to 60 GH/s. But due to development and production problems, the company eventually lost Canaan's leadership and closed after litigation due to a delay in the first supply of mining equipment. Canaan, in turn, bought Avalon in 2014, which first released Bitcoin Asic Miner in early 2013 under the name Avalon1 - the SHA-256 Asic Miner existed in 3 versions, the average model had a performance of 70GH/s and an energy consumption of 600W. 

  • canaan avalonminer 1166The Chinese company for the production of asic miners Canaan immediately released several new SHA-256 asic miners called Avalonminer 1146, 1146 PRO and 1166. All 3 models have the same power consumption of 3200W, but different energy efficiency and, accordingly, different hashrate on the SHA-256 mining algorithm (Bitcoin ) But even if we take the most advanced Avalonminer 1166 model, its energy efficiency of 47J/GH does not look very convincing compared to competitors, for example, the same Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro with an energy efficiency of 29.5 J/TH.


    Consider the news from Canaan in more detail. 


  • bitmain antminer t19 bitcoinAt the end of February 2020, Bitmain introduced a new generation of its SHA-256 ASIC miners S19 and S19 Pro. The announcement of a cheaper version of Antminer T19 was delayed this time for several months, as announcement and sale began only in early June. As before, the T-series has worse energy efficiency compared to the S-series, but at the same time it has a more affordable price.



  • mining videocards 2020

    We offer you to familiarize yourself with our annual analysis of the video card market and their application for cryptocurrency mining in 2020. In this analytical review, we will consider all currently relevant video card models for mining, consider their characteristics, prices and possible payback of equipment for 2020.

    Over the past 2019, the video card market has undergone significant changes, as AMD released the RX5000 generation video cards based on the new RDNA architecture, and Nvidia in response released the updated RTX2000 line of video cards with the SUPER prefix while lowering the price of regular versions. Those. over the past year, the choice of video cards has become much larger, which can also complicate the choice of video cards for assembling mining rigs. Moreover, the choice between the lowest hash price and the best energy efficiency on the market is now the most relevant.

  • bitmain_antminer_s9_dualASIC miners Bitmain Antminer S9 after halving bitcoin sharply lost their relevance, because Almost all mining income began to go to pay electricity bills even at a cost of 0.03 USD per kilowatt. As a result, now you can buy such an ASIC miner for 50-60 USD along with a power supply. If you are also the owner of such devices, then do not rush to get rid of them, because you can still get from this ASIC income of 0.3 USD daily at a price of electricity 0.03 USD.



  • bitmain-antminer-s9-asic 2020After the Bitcoin halving on May 11, 2020, the cost of the first cryptocurrency not only did not increase, but even decreased on the contrary compared to the local peak of 10,000 USD before the hawking itself. Considering that the reward for miners fell by half from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC, now mining income also almost halved from 19,000,000 USD per day to 9,000,000 USD per day. And the most difficult thing now is miners with old equipment of the Antminer S9 level and its analogs manufactured since 2016. We conducted a small analysis of the payback of Antminer S9 in modern realities and as it turned out, S9 can still be profitable for its owners, but not for everyone.

  • bitmain antminer z15 equihash zcash asicBitmain announced the sale of a new generation of ASIC miners for the Equihash mining algorithm - Antminer Z15. On this algorithm, the most popular is the Zcash cryptocurrency. The first shipments of Antminer Z15 are scheduled for late June 2020 at a price of 15.160 yuan (2150 USD) with an APW7 power supply and 14660 yuan (2070 USD) without a power supply. Antminer Z15 has a hash of 420 Kheshes, which is 3 more than the previous generation Asic Antminer Z11 has 135KH. At the same time, power consumption remained at about the same level in 1510W instead of 1420 in Z11. Information on Antminer Z15 is now available only on the Chinese version of the site, which did not stop selling the entire first batch of ASIC miners in less than a day. You can calculate the income of the new ASIC miner on the website of the mining calculator

  • apollo ltc pod asicFuturebit has been manufacturing ASICs since 2016, the first product was USB scrypt Asic miner MoonLander. In 2020, the company offered for sale the Apollo LTC Pod ASIC miner with a hash rate of 100-135MH/s using the same scrypt algorithm. In addition, Apollo LTC Pod can operate as a FULL NODE Litecoin cryptocurrency, for this the device supports USB drives of various sizes. Apollo LTC Pod is by far the most energy-efficient Scrypt asic miner since its energy efficiency parameter is 1W/MH in economy mode and 1.4W/MH in Turbo mode.


  • The current videocards hashrate In 2020, as before, new cryptocurrencies with "revolutionary" mining algorithms for the GPU continue to enter the market, but like in previous years, the leader remains the Ethereum cryptocurrency mining algorithm - Dagger Hashimoto or simply ETHash. Mining algorithms based on Equihash, MTP, RandomX are also very popular. Of the new algorithms that have appeared over the past year and have gained popularity, it is worth noting variations of Cuckoo, BeamHash and ProgPow. These are the cryptocurrencies GRIN, MWC, SWAP, Beam, Sero, BCI. The remaining new and revolutionary cryptocurrencies could not interest miners in the long term.

  • New ASIC Miner Models: MicroBT WhatsMiner M30S + 100 THS and M30S ++ 112 THS

    MicroBT has announced new models of ASIC miners for mining Bitcoin (BTC): MicroBT WhatsMiner M30S +, which offers a hash of 100 TH/s and M30S ++ with a hashrate of 112 TH/s. In doing so, MicroBT added competition to the previously announced Bitmain devices, the Bitmain Antminer S19 and S19 PRO devices.

    Presumably, 100 Terahash/s WhatsMiner M30S + will have an energy efficiency of 36 J/Terahesh, while consuming 4300 watts, while a model with a higher price and improved energy efficiency with a hashrate of 112 TH/s - WhatsMiner M30S + will show 31 j/TH and 3472 watts.

  • 4GB AMD Radeon RX 4xx / 5xx ETC mining problems on WindowsMiners using AMD Radeon RX 4xx/5xx GPUs to mine Windows ETC in the near future may start to get weirdly poor performance on the first video card in Riga, while the rest of the GPUs will work as usual. The reason for this is quite simple, although we are still quite far from 4 GB of DAG file size, since in the current 337 ETC era a DAG file of 3.63 GB in size is required (for the miner from Claymore), the first GPU in the system uses more video memory, since it needs display the operating system interface. As a result, when using Windows, the first GPU consumes approximately 140-150 MB of additional video memory. Therefore, the actually used memory is approaching the maximum size of 4GB. As a result, instead of 20-30 MH/s, you can start receiving 1-2 MH/s for the first video card in the system, and soon it may even stop showing any hashrate at all.

  • blackminer f1 tellorHashAltcoin recently announced that its FPGA miner supports BlackMiner F1 FPGA Tellor(TRB) algorithm, so now this algorithm is officially included in the list of algorithms that can be mined on FPGA. Recall that previously it was possible to mine on Tellor only using the GPU, using software similar to the latest NBMiner, although in the current situation with the FPGA algorithm, Tellor could be mined on video cards even at GTX 1080Ti, which can provide a hash rate of about 750 MH / s, it gets pretty pointless as the BlackMiner F1 FPGA offers about 10 times higher hashrate.



  • ravencoin kawpow testAs previously reported, the cryptocurrency RavenCoin RVN plans to switch to the new mining algorithm KAWPOW in the coming month. A new version of the wallet and several miners supporting this algorithm are already available: kawpowminer, Gminer, NBminer. Now RavenCoin on the current X16Rv2 algorithm is mined on ASIC and FPGA devices, so all GPU miners are waiting for this RVN hard fork, because KAWPOW, built on the basis of PROGPOW, will automatically eject everyone except the GPU from mining. Due to the increased interest in this algorithm, we publish testing of video cards and various miners for the KAWPOW mining algorithm for you.

  • price bitmain antminer s19At the end of February 2020, Bitmain announced a new generation of its Bitcoin mining asic miners called Antminer S19 and S19 PRO. It is worth noting that the S19 Pro model for the first time for Bitmain exceeded the hashrate on the SHA-256 algorithm at 100TH/s and amounted to 110TH/s at 3250W. With such indicators, this model is currently the most energy efficient on the market with an indicator of 29.5 J/TH. The manufacturer set the price of the new product at a significant 20.770 yuan or almost 3000 USD, despite the recent strong drawdown in the price of Bitcoin cryptocurrency. But despite this, the first batch of S19 Pro has already been sold out. A simpler version of S19 (95TH/s, 3250W and 34.5J/TH) costs 15.495 yuan or 2200USD and is still available for order on the Chinese version of the company's website. If you count on the website, the payback of new Bitmain ASICs will be about 400 days for both models at an electricity price of 0.05USD/kWh.

  • bitmain_antminer_s19_proBitmain, the leader in the production of ASIC miners, has introduced its new generation of SHA-256 ASIC miners - Antminer S19 and S19 Pro. In this generation, not only hashrate of devices increased, but energy efficiency also increased significantly. Therefore, we can assume that asic miners Bitmain 2020 model year are made according to the most modern tech. 5nm process. Bitmain does not indicate  this,  but judging by the leaks, ASIC manufacturers were the first customers of 5nm chips.

  • cheetah_f5_f5i_f5m_bitcoin_miningSpecialized devices for mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are called Asic miners and have only one purpose: mining bitcoin. Compared with video cards, such devices have a much higher hash rate with less power consumption, while configuring and maintaining ASIC miners is also much simpler. In addition to the obvious pluses, asics have a big minus - this is a short equipment life span, which rarely exceeds 1-2 years. Because With the new generation, much more energy-efficient ASICs are released, thereby making cryptocurrency mining unprofitable on ASICs of past generations. Although this process slowed down to a 30-50% improvement in performance with each new generation (in previous years 2014-2016, the difference reached 10 or even 100 times a year), but still this is a noticeable increase in performance per watt, which cannot be ignored. At the beginning of 2020, you can find on sale asic miners of different generations, but still it is better to consider only the latest models released in 2019 for purchase. Actually, we will continue to deal with Asic miners of the latest generation.

  • asic bitcoin sha256 whatsminer_m30s

    MicroBT has announced a new generation of its SHA-256 ASIC miners called WhatsMiner M30S. According to the manufacturer, the new product will be produced at 8nm, but despite all this, WhatsMiner M30S will be better than competing products from Bitmain, Innosilicon, Canaan, made using 7nm technology and significantly.

    Specifications MicroBT Whatsminer M30S


  • Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX5600XT mining test ethereumStarting January 21, 2020, AMD launched a new mid-range graphics card - the Radeon RX 5600 XT. Because AMD video cards are traditionally strong on the Dagger-Hashimoto (Ethash) algorithm, which is why testing on this algorithm is of the greatest interest. In our previous article, where we tried to predict the hashrate of the RX 5600 XT video card, we were both right and wrong, because we guessed the predicted hash rate, but only for stock values ​​of the memory frequency and GPU. Given the high overclocking potential of new products, the results in the Ethereum mining video card showed much better than our expectations for hashrate and energy efficiency.

  • rx5600xt hashrate ethash mtp cuckarood lyra2rev3 January 7 at the CES 2020 Consumer Electronics Show announced another AMD NAVI graphics card called the Radeon RX 5600 XT. On sale, we will be able to see this video card only at the end of January, but already now, knowing its technical characteristics, we can speculate on the prospects of the novelty in cryptocurrency mining. To get a more complete picture, compare the RX 5600 XT with the Nvidia and AMD video cards of the current and previous generations, as a result, in the end we will try to predict the video card hash rate on the currently popular algorithms.