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  • debridges logo

    Smart contracts and decentralized services based on them have become so popular in the cryptoindustry that, in addition to the well-known Ethereum blockchain, other blockchains (Binance chain, Tron, Solana, Avalanche, Terra, Cardano, Fantom) supporting smart contracts appeared. At the same time, each such blockchain has its own unique projects, for participation in which it is necessary to buy a token or cryptocurrency that serves smart contracts within this network, which is almost impossible to do without centralized services (cryptocurrency exchanges). To enable decentralized exchange of tokens between different blockchains, special services - bridges - were invented.

  • $50 bonus for signing up on the Binance exchange

    Starting today, we can offer our readers an additional $50 Binance registration bonus when using our referral link or referral ID MLDOBG5I. A permanent discount of 20% for spot trading and 10% for futures trading during the first 30 days will also remain in effect.

    You can receive bonuses on the Binance exchange if the following conditions are met:

  • When making any transaction on the Ethereum network, the user is charged a commission, which goes to pay remuneration to Ethereum miners for finding blocks. The unit of such commission in the Ethereum network is Gas. At the moment of a sharp increase in the number of transactions in the Ethereum network, the price of gas rises accordingly, which makes the cost of transactions (deposit and withdrawal, transfer to another wallet, interaction with smart contracts) in the network much higher. The ability to timely monitor the current gas price in the Ethereum network, as well as analyze the days and times of the day with the lowest gas prices, will help you significantly reduce commission costs when working with Ethereum.

  • p2p exchange of cryptocurrencies for money

    Cryptocurrency exchanges have transformed from niche services for exchanging one cryptocurrency for another by 2022 into multifunctional services with functionality approaching or even exceeding ordinary banking services. One of these services, which you will never find in your bank, is P2P exchange of cryptocurrencies to cryptocurrency and to fiat money. But first of all, it is worth noting that the most popular is the service of buying Bitcoin, Ethereum or USDT for dollars, euros, yen, rubles, tenge or vice versa. The popularity of this method of exchange is that the exchange takes place between individuals. What follows from the name P2P (Peer-to-Peer). This term was originally used for a peer-to-peer computer network where there is no Server, i.e. controller, where all members of the network are equal.


  • ton place is a social network with a subscription

    TON, a cryptocurrency affiliated with the Telegram messenger, launched last summer, continues to develop services for using its cryptocurrency. One such area is the social network TON.Place, which offers the possibility of paid subscriptions to content similar to OnlyFans and Patreon. Unlike these services, in TON.Place it is possible to make paid access to individual messages and at different prices. All payments are made using the TON cryptocurrency. Also available affiliate program with 2.5% reward from payments of your friends. It is worth noting that the popular social networks TikTok and Instagram are moving in the same direction to create paid subscriptions. Registration in the new social network takes place only with the help of the Telegram messenger, i.e. if you do not have a Telegram account, you will not be able to register in TON.Place. It is difficult to predict the success of TON Place social network because there is very strong competition in this market due to already popular similar products all over the world. Remember at least Google's attempts to create its own social network, which ended in failure. But keep in mind that at the start you can always take a rare or selling URL, which in the future may be worth a lot of money in case of popularity TON Place.

  • You have probably already noticed how the metaverse is getting more and more popular every day, accelerated by Facebook's strategic move to rebrand to Meta and develop their own metaverse. We are entering into a generational shift, people are buying virtual land for large sums of money, and big brands such as Nike & Adidas are on their way to developing virtual spaces in blockchain based games such as The Sandbox and Decentraland.

  • A confirmation code came in the sms message

    Binance is the largest and most famous exchange where cryptocurrencies are traded (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Doge Coin and others). If you receive an SMS on behalf of this exchange with a certain confirmation code, then depending on whether you were registered in it or not, you will need to react to such messages. If this is your first time hearing about Binance and cryptocurrencies in general, then simply ignore this message and you can add this number to the blacklist to be sure. Because it's either just someone made a mistake with the number when registering on the Binance exchange or it's a hidden advertisement for you to go to this site out of curiosity and register to buy bitcoins.

  • binance pool scrypt dogecoin litecoinThe world's largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance continues to develop its cryptoservices. And this time a major update came for Binance Pool. In addition to Bitcoin and Ethereum mining, DogeCoin and LiteCoin cryptocurrencies became available. Both cryptocurrencies are based on the Scrypt mining algorithm, i.e. mining is only available on the Asics, for example Bitmain Antminer L7. In addition, simultaneous mining of two cryptocurrencies DOGE and LTC is available. At the moment, Binance Pool does not charge a fee for mining on the Scrypt algorithm. PPS system is used as a method to calculate the remuneration for miners.  

  • dex crypto market

    More than 10 years have passed since the first cryptocurrency Bitcoin appeared in 2009. During this time, several thousand new cryptocurrencies and tokens have appeared, and with them the need to exchange cryptocurrencies and tokens among themselves and also between owners. The first widely known crypto exchange took place in May 2010 via correspondence on forum, as a result of which 10.000 BTC were exchanged for 2 pizzas and now the whole crypto community celebrates this day on May 22 as Bitcoin Pizza Day. This method of exchange, although it still exists, but it is extremely uncomfortable and carries a lot of risks for both participants. On the need to conduct exchange operations with cryptocurrencies with minimal risk there appeared intermediaries in the form of trusted users on forums and exchange websites, which also did not solve many problems and first of all the exchange speed. The next step is the emergence of centralized crypto exchanges. The first such exchange was Mt.Gox, which, like many others, ceased to exist with the loss of cryptocurrency stored in its accounts. Over the past 5 years, crypto exchanges have evolved from niche sites to large international companies (BinanceFTXBybit) whose trust among users is already much higher. But apart from trusting their crypto savings, other problems remain: lack of anonymity, account blocking, hacking, taxation and other legal aspects of cryptocurrency ownership depending on the country of residence. New decentralized exchanges can solve all these problems while maintaining anonymity and security.

  • blockchaintrend logo

    Blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and decentralized finance have already firmly entered the everyday life of not only technologists, but also ordinary users of modern computer technology. The fame and success of the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, can be compared to the most famous and wealthy companies in the world: Apple, Tesla, PayPal, Facebook, Amazon. The existence of which probably every inhabitant of our planet has heard of. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology became famous first of all due to wide publicity in various news publications, from technical to political and scientific articles in all languages of the world. Due to the increased media attention to everything that happens around cryptocurrencies, it becomes difficult to navigate the news background and find really important information. In such a situation, specialized news services that structure and filter all incoming information related to cryptocurrencies and provide it in a convenient and clear form come to the rescue. One of such sites is

  • amlbot check usdt erc-20, btc, eth

    The official adoption of cryptocurrencies by different countries around the world increasingly raises the question of controlling the criminal flows of cryptocurrencies. If just a few years ago such concept as "dirty bitcoin" was something new and unfamiliar, now in 2021 every cryptocurrency user should know that there is a blacklist of cryptocurrency addresses and tokens where stolen cryptoassets are stored. And if you think that this is only a problem of states and companies, you are very wrong. Because any purchase of cryptocurrencies at an exchanger or uncontrolled exchange can have stolen cryptocurrency deposited into your account, which will automatically mark all your funds as suspicious. And if you try to exchange or sell this cryptocurrency on major licensed exchanges like Binance, FTX, Poloniex, Coinbase, your account will be blocked until you provide proof of receiving your funds legally, which frankly will not be that easy. To put it simply, in the nearest future you will not be able to legalize your crypto assets and you will be able to sell them only on black market with discount and with further risk to get under suspicion of tax and law enforcement service of your country, where you also will not be able to explain the source of your income, because initially all your crypto assets will be considered as stolen. To protect yourself from risky deals there is service, which we recommend to use for any deals with cryptocurrencies and tokens on OTC market: P2P exchange, exchangers, buying from private persons and unlicensed companies. Let's tell about cryptocurrency and token verification service in more details.

  • ftx logo

    Cryptocurrency exchange launched in May 2019, which has not stopped it from becoming one of the most popular and sought-after crypto exchanges in the world today. was originally positioned as a futures crypto exchange with the ability to trade leveraged futures and a variety of crypto assets, not just the popular Bitcoin and Ethereum. Today, is not only derivatives, but also spot trading, company stock trading, bitcoin hash futures, bitcoin volatility contracts (MOVE), and also has its own OTC OTC platform for large transactions to reduce market impact. Another important point, thanks to which the exchange gained its popularity - is the low trading commission. For example, the base commission after registration is 0.02%/0.07%, which is 5 times lower than the trading commissions on Binance, where the base commission is 0.1%/0.1%.


  • binance nft marketplace Cryptocurrency company Binance from a conventional spot cryptocurrency exchange has taken a dominant position in the market by 2021, because in comparison with other companies, it offers the widest range of services in the cryptocurrency industry. The last service that became available on the Binance exchange was the NFT market (non-fungible token). You can read more about NFT and the history of the development of this direction in blockchain technologies in our other material: What is an NFT token? How to create, store, buy and sell crypto art? Due to the high interest in digital art nominated in NFT among crypto enthusiasts and collectors, the monthly volume of this market is estimated at $ 400 million in mid-2021, or about $ 5 billion in annual terms. At the same time, the entire world market for art or antiques for 2020 is estimated at $ 50 billion. In order not to miss a promising new market in the field of crypto technologies, Binance launched its own NFT market (auction) in June 2021 and, as always, with the highest level of service, reliability and opportunities for collectors and artists.

  • Hive os asic hubHive OS has launched a new service for owners of large mining farms called ASIC HUB. With the help of this application for Linux and Windows, you can quickly and easily compile a list of all available ASICs using a network scan and then track the operation of the mining farm in the already familiar WEB application Hive OS. Asic HUB is available for Windows and Linux operating systems. Before starting to work with ASIC HUB, you must first register with Hive OS, where you need to copy your Farm Hash, which is required to register ASIC HUB. ASIC HUB is launched in the same way as HiveOS - in the browser by entering the address http://localhost: 8800. Next, select the method of adding: specifying IP, scanning the subnet and importing a CSV file with a list of Asic IP addresses.

  • cryptoage_pr_ghpex

    Cloud mining empowered millions of people with the opportunity to profit from mining cryptocurrency without the requirement of a high initial investment of advanced technical knowledge. GHPEX revolutionized crypto-trading by enabling people to easily purchase hashing power on a dedicated hashpower exchange. Now it’s time for the next step in the evolution of cloud mining: the GHPEX Hash Card.

  • Ethereum gas price app browser chrome and firefoxInvestors and users of the Ethereum cryptocurrency and various tokens on the ETH network constantly need to monitor the cost of gas in the Ethereum network and the cost of the cryptocurrency itself. To make a transfer or a transaction for the purchase and sale of tokens on the Ethereum network with a minimum commission. There are already many websites or phone apps that show the price of gas in real time. Now we will tell you another convenient way how you can constantly monitor the Ethereum rate and the cost of transactions from the browser using the browser application. This method is suitable for those who constantly use the browser for work or play. In this case, the icon with the necessary information will be available in the application window, regardless of the open tab in your browser.

  • Chia mining calculator for ssd and hddThe Chia cryptocurrency with mining on HDD and SSD has gained immense popularity among miners, primarily due to the higher profitability per dollar invested in comparison with video cards and ASICs. And also due to lower costs for electricity and air conditioning rooms. Because Now the prices for all cryptocurrency and Chia, including, are highly volatile, and the Chia cryptocurrency network itself is growing every day by 5-10%, so services such as the calculator for mining the Chia cryptocurrency are now more relevant than ever. Today we want to present you our version of the Chia cryptocurrency mining calculator with a simpler and more intuitive interface, where the capacity of your drives is indicated in the usual Terabytes (TB), and not in Gibibytes (GiB). We also plan to add other cryptocurrencies that are also mined using HDD (Sia, Burst, Storj, Filecoin) and compare them in terms of the profitability of mining on HDD with each other.

  • crypto bubbles trading volume and price analysisKeeping track of the cryptocurrency market, when the number of cryptocurrencies and tokens is already over 10,000, becomes more and more difficult. It is not always convenient to receive and analyze a large amount of information using classic applications that offer information in tabular form and you need to spend a lot of time to analyze the data. For simplicity and clarity of the general state of the crypto market, there is a convenient and already popular service

  • nhash logoBitcoin is regarded as the leading cryptocurrency and is seen by many as the most profitable. Many companies have begun accumulating bitcoin, with Tesla recently purchasing vast amounts of bitcoins.

    Making a profit with Bitcoin is not as easy as it seems. The volatile nature of bitcoin means that assets purchased can quickly dip in value, and there is a report that 90% of day traders lose their money. One way to make good profits from bitcoin is via mining.

  • what is NFT how and where to create store sell and buyAt the beginning of 2021, the world was again covered by a wave of interest in cryptocurrencies, blockchain, smart contracts and NFT tokens. If with the first terms, everyone who has already dealt with cryptocurrencies before is already more or less familiar, then NFT or non-fungible token has become super popular only now, although the first projects using NFT appeared back in 2017. Today, you can hear about NFT from well-known international news , from well-known media personalities, from corporations, from bloggers on youtube, and even from an artist or musician you know. But what it is and what it is for, and even more so how to use it, today we will try to figure it out.