What is cloud Mining?
Cloud Mining - Mining is cryptocurrency, including BTC (Bitcoin) and LTC (Litecoin), using specialized cloud services. This is a new paradigm that forms groups (mining pools), in order to obtain more income than conventional distributed Mining, through the management of the equipment specified by the contractor. That is, simply put, a certain company buys equipment of mining, and then sells it to end customers, and the storage and maintenance of equipment, payment for electricity, internet connection are borne by the company. This scheme deprives the customer of potential problems like disruptions in the internet and power, problems with setting up and maintaining the equipment in service, increased noise and heat. Some companies charge for their work a commission, which includes charges for electricity and maintenance. But in any case, it is much more profitable for the end user than store the equipment at home. Tk farms and data centers such companies are usually built in areas with cheap electricity and cheap heat abduction. Typically, these companies are engaged in cloud and cloud Bitcoin Mining Mining laytkoinov using ASIC of mining equipment.