CryptoDredge 0.9.3 - support for CryptoNightV8 algorithm

mining Monero cryptonightV8 NvidiaCryptodredge version 0.9.3, in addition to supporting the new CryptonightV8 algorithm for mining Monero, compared to the previous version 0.9.2, may offer an increased hashrate for the Allium and PHI2 algorithms. The miner only supports Nvidia video cards with Cuda 9.1 and Cuda 9.2 support, and for two Windows and Linux operating systems at once. With this miner, you can get about 1000H / s on an Nvidia GTX1080Ti video card using an ETHlargementPill . If on your rig mining monero on SRBminer is not stable, then you can try CryptoDredge, and the miner's commission is 1%. Download CryptoDredge 0.9.3 on GitHub