The developers of the mini app in Telegram Bull Run have released a message regarding the upcoming Airdrop and its distribution: "In the world of Telegram Mini Apps, things are moving fast and new things are happening all the time. Whenever a project takes a step forward, users often assume that other projects will follow the same path. Today, many users are concerned about how the Bull Run Airdrop will be distributed and whether ordinary players will receive tokens or whether all will go to influential people. Here's how we plan to handle it:"

  1. All active users will participate in the Airdrop. Even if you have not invited friends to Bull Run, you will still receive tokens. The main thing is to be an active user, mine and regularly collect BULL coins, complete tasks in the Task section and also a secret task (we will announce it very soon).
  2. Bonus for influencers. Yes, there will be a bonus, but it will not be just for having a channel, but based on real results. If someone brought new users to the game, they will receive a reward during the Airdrop. Contribution to the development of our community is important. This is a fair and balanced approach that rewards those who help us grow.
  3. Uniform distribution. Even though some users have made a significant contribution to the game, we guarantee that no one player will receive such a large percentage of tokens that it could affect the market price. With more than 5 million users, tokens will be distributed among a large number of people in the most fair way. Everyone will receive a reward proportional to their contribution.
  4. Bottom line: My team and I are committed to being honest with you and communicating clearly about our actions and plans. Stay tuned for updates.