Новый ccMiner 1.6.4-форк от tpruvot с поддержкой мультипуловWe have compiled a new version of the binaries for Windows based on the latest source code ccMiner 1.6.4-git from tpruvot.

This version includes support for multiple embedded pools with automatic switching (Multipool). If the connection to one of the pools is interrupted, Mining switches to another pool automatically. Also API has been updated to support the miners, remote switching pools and Statistics. Note that this new version does not support algorithms Whirlpool and Whirlpoolx.

These binaries compiled using VS2013 and supports Compute 3.0, 3.5, 5.0, 5.2 graphics processor, but not all algorithms will work on older GPU. Compiled binaries for windose and test BAT file to configure support multipulov you can download by clicking on the button below.

New ccMiner 1.6.4-git from tpruvot with multipool support


Download ccMiner 1.6.4-git from tpruvot for Windows