ZeusHash presents new contracts for cloud MiningWe have been nothing to write about such a service cloud of mining as ZeusHash. ZeusHash recently signed a partnership agreement with China's largest industrial mayningovym now Halley China. And today they made an interesting statement for the miners, which sounds quite interesting and promising.

 Today's announcement - a new announcement mayningovogo contract, which will be available for a limited time. Promotional contract has no monthly maintenance fees and investment returns at the end of the contract period, and in addition for the customer retains all namaynennoe for the life of the contract. The first portion of new contracts under the name VGHS will be sold in a period of 30 days and costs $ 2.999 per Gigahesh. Yes, of course, such a price for kontarkt, lasting only 30 days, is quite high, even considering that it includes service fee. However, you will note that in a month you will get not only what namaynit have time, but the amount of the contract - this proposal seems quite interesting.

So what can be a trick? New contracts in the mayningovye ZeusHash seem to us to be very similar to an investment plan or plan for the loan. With these contracts, the company ZeusHash can get money from the customers who will be able to spend on the development of the company in the next 30 days. (Currently, this means that you will get about 3% of the shares within one month). It seems that lately it such proposals from mayningovyh companies are the most profitable for the miners, as it offers more security and less risk than traditional contracts for cloud Bitcoin mining. Whether the company will return to full ZeusHash the game depends on how wisely the company realizes got in the "loan" money.

For those customers who are interested in traditional contracts cloudy Mining, the company can offer a 10% discount on ordinary contracts Halley GHS for one week, starting today.

ZeusHash presents new contracts for cloud Mining


Read more about new contracts ZeusHash