Bitget Wallet Lite in Telegram has surpassed the 6 million user mark and already has a tick in Telegram, which is quite difficult to get. Now it is the most popular and fastest growing Web3 multi-chain non-custodial wallet integrated into Telegram (mini app) from the popular centralized exchange BitGet. The application allows its users to safely buy, manage and store cryptocurrency. At the moment, the wallet supports more than 100 different blockchains, including EVM (ETH), SOL, TON, Bitget Wallet Lite provides fast cross-chain transactions. Users can buy BTC, ETH, USDT and hundreds of other cryptocurrencies and tokens with more than 40 fiat currencies directly in the wallet. Initialization and first launch is done in just one click, the wallet easily connects to the user's Telegram account for easy access from any device. BitGet Wallet Lite easily interacts with any WEB3 DApps. Recently, the wallet added the ability to farm KeyShards points (which can be used for priority access to high-yield projects, receiving Airdrops and additional bonuses), as well as completing various tasks, thereby turning the wallet into something like the now popular "Tapping games".
There are 5 different sections-tabs available in the wallet:
- The "wallet" itself, with the balance of your cryptocurrencies and tokens in more than 100 blockchain networks. Here you can also send and receive cryptocurrency, and there is also a transaction history. A convenient feature (unlike the same MetaMask, is the ability to simultaneously display cryptocurrency balances in all available networks). In addition, in this section you can buy a small amount of APT or TON for stars (for example, if you do not have enough for the transaction fee).
- The "Markets" section displays general statistics for all cryptocurrencies with convenient filtering and division into categories.
- In the "swap" section you can perform WEB3 exchange (swap) of various cryptocurrencies between themselves, including in different networks.
- Tasks - this is, in our opinion, the most interesting section, which turns the Bitget Wallet Lite wallet into a kind of "Tapping game". The section has a large number of tasks (including exclusive ones), which will help you earn more KeyShards points. In addition, this section has a mechanism for farming these tokens, where once every 6 hours you need to log into the application and get points. These points can be used to access Airdrops and additional bonuses.
- Invite - this section contains the affiliate program. By inviting friends using your referral link, you can receive an additional 10% of your friends' rewards as a referral commission.
We recommend that you go to the settings and export your seed phrase immediately after installing the wallet. Write down the seed phrase and store it in a safe place. This is your wallet, if you lose the seed phrase, you can lose your money.