zjazz 0.971 new version of the miner for Merit and BitCash on Linux, Windows

zjazz miner merit bitcashSince we wrote about the zjazz version 0.95 miner, 2 weeks have passed, for which the zjazz miner managed to acquire many new functions. Now except for Merit Mining, BitCash crypto currency is supported, which is also based on the modified Cuckoo Cicle algorithm. In addition to adding support for new crypto currency, in version 0.971, mining on two popular platforms - Windows and Linux - has become available. Of the many other minor changes, you can highlight the addition of the function of changing the mining intensity and the introduction of support for the API compatible with ccminer (ETHMonitoring).


In more detail about the changes in the new versions of zjazz:

Version 0.971

  • EthMonitoring compatible: --no-color treated as a valid parameter (ignored by the miner). It makes zjazz compatible with EthMonitoring when using the miner as ccminer API
  • API summary/gpus incorrect hashrate bugfix
  • API added threads function, better ccminer compatibilily (gpus and threads API functions do the same)
  • API: Connected message only printed if --debug-info is enabled

Version 0.97

  • Bitcash 3Gb GPUs support on Windows
  • Linux CUDA 9.1 and CUDA 9.2 binaries
  • First API version: ccminer-like. summary, pool, gpus and quit functions available. -b/--api-bind
  • List of failover pools added. Use multiple times -o (--url)
  • GPU timeout feature added: Application quits if new blocks from stratum are received and GPUs are not mining. Timeout value can be set with --gpu-timeout
  • Improved stats, show hashrate detailed per GPU with --hashrate-per-gpu
  • --cuckoo-intensity 18 bugfix
  • Added some debug info messages. --debug-info to enable them
  • User friendly GPU memory errors presentation
  • Set the number of threads per device --device-gpu-threads
  • Hashrate reliable % message added
  • Per line ok/ko state message added
  • Force GPU processing to stop when connection with stratum server is lost
  • Time to wait before reconnecting configurable: -R/--retry-pause parameter added

Version 0.96

  • New coin supported: BitCash
  • New cuckoo experimental feature --cuckoo-intensity
  • Official Linux release (previously only available from the experimental repository)
  • Improved stratum management
  • Added extra error messages and minor fixes

Zjazz Miner as before remains a closed miner with a commission of 2% and supports only Nvidia video cards.

Information on the commands and configuration of the zjazz miner can be found at this link.

Download Zjazz Miner can be on GitHub