cloud mining contractsOn many sites you can find reviews of various cloud mining services. However, there is quite a bit of information in the network about specific cloud mining contracts from various services and more about comparing them. In this material we tried to compare and analyze current offers from popular cloud mining services. In our comparison list there will be only time-tested quality services, as well as some newcomers who are rapidly gaining popularity. We have tried to exclude frank HYIPs from our list, which promise unrealistically high profitability. Unfortunately, comparing and analyzing cloud mining contracts is not an easy task. Firstly, all of them are quite technically different: they have different terms of life, ranging from 4 months to life, different prices for electricity (there are also contracts where electricity charges for the entire duration of the contract are already included in the price of the contract). Secondly, too many parameters can affect the calculations of the profitability of the contract, for example, the change in the price of a cryptocurrency and the complexity of its network. But we tried to bring all the contracts we considered to a common denominator and made up a summary table in which all technical aspects of contracts from various cloud mining services were indicated, and also tried to calculate the ROI (return of investments) and the estimated payback time of these contracts. In addition, at the end of the material you are waiting for some conclusions on this table, as well as some tips on choosing a contract.

In our summary table, we displayed cloud mining contracts provided by such services as: IQ Mining, Genesis Mining, CCG Mining, Hashing24, BitDeer, Nuvoo Mining, BeMine, AlienCloud and CryptoUniverse.

Legend of table

  • Service - the name of the cloud mining service and the specific contract, the period of the contract in years - Y or days - D. is indicated in brackets. LT notes a lifetime contract.
  • Min (TH) and Max (TH) are the minimum and maximum hash rate in TH / sec (Terahash per second) that can be purchased under this contract.
  • Price $ (per 1 TH) - hash rate per 1 TH / sec in US dollars.
  • Commission (TH / D) - commission in US dollars for maintenance and electricity for 1TH / sec per day.
  • Term (days) - the term of the contract in days, after which the mining stops. Lifetime is a lifetime contract. Keep in mind that most cloud mining services cancel contracts after the profitability of mining ceases to pay for electricity, so by and large there are no lifetime contracts and sooner or later contracts are canceled, and in fact just a marketing move .
  • Availability - the possibility of acquiring a contract at the time of writing this material.
  • Min investment - the minimum amount to invest in a particular contract.
  • Profit (1TH / d) is an approximate daily contract yield of 1TH / sec, including service and electricity fees.
  • Profit (1TH / y) - the approximate annual yield of the contract in 1TH / sec, taking into account the maintenance and electricity commission.
  • Profit (1TH / term) - the approximate yield of the contract in 1TH / sec for his entire life, taking into account the maintenance and electricity commission.
  • ROI (term) - the rate of return on investment in percent for the entire life of the contract.
  • ROI Adopt. (term) - an adapted rate of return on investment in percent for the entire life of the contract. (when calculating the adapted ROI, a 3% monthly increase in the complexity of the network of the coin was used).
  • Payback Adopt. (term) - the payback period of the contract in months, taking into account the 3% increase in the complexity of the network of coins per month. For example, 11 months out of 20 means that the payback period of a contract may come on the 11th month of the contract from the entire term of 20 months.

Considering that almost all contracts have their own lifetime, for example, ROI = 260% means that you are expected to get 160% of net profit (260% - 100% of the contract value = 160% of profit), provided that the network complexity and cryptocurrency rate remain the same for the entire life of the contract. In reality, however, the complexity of the network usually always grows with time (there are exceptions then if the course of the coin sags heavily and some miners begin to turn off their old and non-energy-efficient equipment). In real conditions, it is better to focus on the parameter of an adapted ROI and an adapted payback period, in the calculation of which we have laid a monthly 3% increase in network complexity. If you are an optimist and believe that the cryptocurrency rate will grow faster than the complexity in the near future, you can use the usual ROI parameter when choosing a contract.

We did not specifically count on ROI and payback for contacts for more than 2 years, because we do not recommend them for purchase. For a rapidly developing cryptocurrency infrastructure, even 1 year is a very long time, and the course of cryptocurrency and the complexity of its network in 3-5 years is almost impossible to predict.

A few tips on choosing contracts

  1. Try to choose more short-term contracts, as they are more predictable, and calculate the approximate yield, say, a 6-month contract is much easier than a 2-year contract. Moreover, short-term contacts pay off faster.
  2. The cost of the electricity and maintenance commission is very important (less = better), a lower commission gives you more margin for break-even mining even if the complexity of the network increases and the rate of the coin falls. Remember that many services shut off contracts if the income from mining will exceed the cost of electricity and maintenance for some time. These nuances are usually described in the license agreement of the service that you accept when registering on their website or purchasing a contract.
  3. If you are limited in funds for investing in cloud mining, pay attention to the "Min Invest" column, this will help you choose the right contract for you without exceeding your budget. Contracts for investment in which more than $ 1000 is required from you are marked in red, from $ 100 to $ 1,000 in yellow, and less than $ 100 in green.
  4. Keep in mind that the percentage of ROI also includes the cost of the contract. And this means that all contracts with ROI are less than 100% unprofitable and will never pay off.

Conclusions and what contracts we have chosen

 As we said above, we prefer lucrative and more short-term contracts, as their income is easier to predict. Therefore, we would recommend to purchase such contracts as: IQ mining SHA-256 Pro for a period of 1 year, any of the BitDeer contracts at your discretion and depending on the term of the contract which is more convenient for you, 360 days or BeMine SHA-256 S11 for a period of 1 year.

If you are interested in contracts for up to 2 years, then there are interesting offers, such as IQ Mining SHA-256 Pro for a period of 2 years, Crypto Universe SHA-256 Pro for 600 days or Crypto Universe SHA-256 Starter for 480 days.

If you have a significant amount for investment, here are the leaders: Crypto Universe SHA-256 Gold for 480 days (the minimum amount for investment is $ 11,450), Crypto Universe SHA-256 Vip for 480 days (minimum amount for investment is $ 3400) and BitDeer SHA-256 S15 for 360 days (minimum $ 1479.5).

Contracts from such services as AlienCloud, CCG Mining are not recommended because of their 100% loss in current realities.