secret level hamstersTelegram game Hamster Combat or Battle of Hamsters announced a secret level in its game by publishing a message in Telegram with a code in the text and a code in the picture. The code appears to be written in Morse code. If you enter this code into a Morse code decoder ( - .- .--.     - .... .     . .- .-. -.     .--. . .-.     .... --- ..- .-.     -... ..- - - --- -.     - .... .-. . .     - .. -- . ... .-.. --- --- -.-     ..-. --- .-.     - .... .     -.-. --- -.. .     --- ..-.     - .... .     -.. .- -.--  ), then we will receive the message: TAP THE EARN PER HOUR BUTTON THREE TIMESLOOK FOR THE CODE OF THE DAY. 

The code of the day may be shown in the picture when loading ( .-.. --- .- -.. .. -. --.). When decoding we get the word Loading.

Getting the secret level is very easy.

Although the message says that you need to click 3 times on EARN PER HOUR, in fact there is no such button, so click 3 times on EARN PER TAP (Profit per tap).

If the image changes to red, then you did everything correctly.

hamster secret word

Now you need to enter the secret word in Morse code.

Today the secret word is BTC.

B = _...

T= _

C= _._.

Where the dot is a regular tap, and the dash is a long tap. A long tap can be done simply by holding your finger on the screen a little longer. As a result, dots or dashes will appear instead of numbers. Enter the first letter and wait until it appears on the screen. When you enter all 3 letters you can win a prize of 1 million points.

Judging by the name, you can now guess the secret word every day and get 1 million points for it.