goldcard hardware bitcoin wallet

The company Coinkite known for its product Opendime USB bitcoin Stick, on the same principle decided to make a cheap, secure open-source hardware wallet Coldcard cost of pre-order at 69.99USD. The hardware wallet has a display and a full keyboard and microSD for offline use. To successfully simplify the work with the wallet, developers abandoned the specialized software on computers.

Security of storing a private key by using Microchip ATSHA204 microchip with a random number generator. Using this chip will protect your private key when replacing the chip itself or when reprogramming. Goldcard Bitcoin also allows you to store two private keys with access to two different PIN codes to ensure the security of the main volume of crypto-currency when the robbers are physical impact on the wallet owner.

More details with the principles of the Goldcard wallet and pre-order can be found here.