Новый GMiner 2.05 с улучшенной производительностью для Qitmeer (PMEER)The latest update to the popular GMiner 2.05 software continued to improve the recently added Qitmeer algorithm (PMEER), which initially loaded the CPU quite heavily. The previous version 2.0.4 was able to slightly improve the situation by introducing an additional parameter to reduce this load, however, things are even better in the current version 2.0.5. CPU usage has been significantly reduced, which now makes it possible to mine PMEER even in rigs with weak, inexpensive processors. In addition, the performance for this algorithm was significantly (up to 30%) compared with the previous version. The only thing you may not like is the developer’s commission increased for 5% for this particular algorithm. For other supported algorithms, the commission is 2%. GMiner software was originally intended only for NVidia graphics cards, but AMD GPUs are now supported for some of the available mining algorithms. GMiner is a closed source software and comes as executable files for Windows and Linux. You can download GMiner 2.0.5 here.