Mining on the RandomX algorithm for MacOS using the XMRig MacOS build

Mining on the RandomX algorithm for MacOS using the XMRig MacOS buildApple computers are not a popular choice for GPU mining, but for mining on a central processing unit (CPU) they can still be used on a par with a Windows PC ... unless of course you can find a suitable miner with a binary assembly for MacOS or compile the source code for this OS yourself. So what about mining on RandomX? You will quickly find that none of the popular RandomX CPU miners, such as XMRig, SRBMiner-multi, XMR-STAK-RX, have executable files available for MacOS. Fortunately, there is an affordable solution, one of the users made the assembly XMRig 5.11.0 for MacOS, which may turn out to be exactly what you need if you own an Apple computer. Download XMRig 5.11.0 for MacOS.