asicminervalue logo is a site calculator for the profitability of the asic miners with a new more convenient approach in providing information. The main difference of this service from all known is the link to the released and announced models of the Asic miners, i.e. you do not need to know the technical characteristics of the asic to calculate its income, as it is done on Whattomine. The only thing you need is to indicate the cost of electricity and the currency of settlement. The rest of the site script will count for you and will make own rating of the asic miners with indication of the profitability of the mining for each of the known Asic.

 asic miner value calculator asic miners

Each device in the list has its own page with a detailed description and calculation of its energy efficiency. Also here, the calculation of the possible income for a month and a year ahead is givenasic miner characteristics of all asics

Another useful feature on the site of Asicminervalue is the list of manufacturers and suppliers of miner equipment, and site administrators give their reliability assessment for each vendor.

The list of proven producers of asik miners is here.

trusted ASIC manufacturers

A list of proven equipment vendors is here.

trusted ASIC sellers

Trusting or not, these lists will be at your discretion.

In general, we liked the approach of the creators of the site Asicminervalue. In addition to a handy calculator, you can find a lot of information on manufacturers, suppliers and the devices themselves. Moreover, new ones are added to the general list in a timely manner even at the stage of their announcement, so with the help of this site you can also monitor the release of new asic miners.

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